The VEP provides ADP-approved clients with direct access to equipment. A centralized equipment pool reduces equipment costs through tendering for equipment purchases and more effective utilization of recycled equipment and provides a facility for equipment maintenance and repair services. The VEP also serves as a resource centre for consumers, community agencies and health professionals.
- Home ventilator: volume, pressure or mixed (hybrid)
- Bi-level positive airway pressure device (with breath rate function)
- Ventilator breathing tubes / circuits
- 12-volt battery, battery charger, battery cable (provided for back-up emergency power only; clients are responsible for the purchase of battery for mobility)
- Respiratory humidifier for use with ventilator / bi-level positive airway pressure device.
- Oxygen saturation monitor (OSM); effective November 2007 for eligible applicants under the age of 19.
- Mechanical insufflator-exsufflator (MI-E)
The VEP provides equipment and services to clients approved for funding assistance by ADP.
The ADP provides funding assistance for Ontario residents who have long-term physical disabilities requiring assistive devices for at least six months. The ADP’s funding is intended to support clients’ access to personalized assistive devices appropriate for individuals’ basic needs.
The VEP is a transfer payment agency of the ADP. At no cost to the client, the VEP provides new or recycled life support equipment to individuals who live at home and require medical equipment to survive including mechanical ventilators (BiPAP units with a back-up rate), cough assist devices, and oxygen saturation monitors.
The VEP does not provide equipment to clients who reside in Long Term Care (LTC) homes. The Ministry of Long-Term Care provides funding for the operation of long-term care homes through level-of-care funding.
Last updated: August 12, 2024
Any permanent resident of Ontario who has a valid health card issued in their name, and has a respiratory illness or dysfunction resulting in a need for respiratory equipment and supplies. ADP does not provide funding assistance under the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board or to a group “A” Veterans for their pensioned conditions. ADP does not provide funding assistance to people residing in acute or chronic care hospitals and long-term care homes.
A physician licensed to practice medicine in Ontario, preferably one who specializes in respiratory illness, must first examine you. The physician will Identify the equipment you require and confirm your eligibility for ADP funding assistance. Eligibility for ADP funded equipment through the VEP is based on established medical criteria and is different for each product. An application for Funding Respiratory Equipment and Supplies form must be submitted on your behalf. You can get this form from your doctor, or by calling ADP. The form and accompanying addendum are available in English and French The form is completed and signed by the physician and by you or your agent.
For the supplies associated with the equipment from the VEP you will receive an annual grant. The grant is paid out quarterly by ADP and sent directly to you. If you are receiving social assistance benefits from Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program or Assistance to Children with Severe Disabilities you may be eligible to receive more funding assistance.
No. Clients of the VEP are responsible for purchasing a mask to use with their bi-level therapy. The mask can be purchased from a respiratory vendor. You will receive grant funding to help with the costs associated with disposable supplies. If you are receiving other social assistance benefits from Ontario (ODSP, ACSD) check with your representative, they may be able to provide additional funding.
Many will. If you have private medical coverage, check with your insurer or agent to see if they will pay your share of the cost.
Routine maintenance, such as filter changes, is the responsibility of the user; service and repairs are performed by the VEP.
Your doctor is responsible for ensuring that you receive adequate teaching in the use of the ventilator. She/he along with a team of health professionals will be involved in the teaching process. The VEP will provide you with a one-time, in-home visit for provision of education and training if you are prescribed a bi-level positive airway pressure device or non-invasive ventilation. The VEP is not funded to provide in-home follow-up visits.
Yes, the VEP provides telephone support 24 hours per day, seven days a week. This is not an emergency line. For immediate life-threatening emergencies you must call 911. Registered respiratory therapists are available around the clock to help trouble-shoot equipment related issues, answer questions, teach you something you may have forgotten or would like to review and to provide information and support.
No. Disposable supplies may be purchased from a respiratory vendor or supplier of your choice, who sells these products.
Any Ontario resident with a valid Health Card who has a long-term physical disability or illness. Applicants must reside in either: the community, or a group home facility where: the facility is their long-term residence, and and products are for their personal use Applicants residing in an acute or a chronic care hospital or a long-term care facility are not eligible. Applicants must not be receiving or eligible to receive benefits from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) or from Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), Group A. Eligibility for ADP funded equipment through the VEP is based on established medical criteria and is different for each product. For oxygen saturation monitors (OSMs) the following criteria must be met: OSM’s will be provided to infants/children 18 years of age or younger OSM’s will be provided to infants/children who are at risk of a profound hypoxemic event with the inability to notify caregivers. OSM’s must be medically prescribed and the prescription must include a discharge date from the monitor. The VEP will only provide OSM’s prescribed by physicians associated with ADP approved hospitals or centres (see below for list of ADP approved hospitals or centres). OSM’s including 2 probes will be sent to the prescribing hospital or centre, not directly to the client’s home Replacement probes will be provided by the VEP as required.
Bloorview Kids Rehab (Toronto); Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (Ottawa); Hamilton Health Sciences Centre (Hamilton); The Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto); London Health Sciences Centre (London); Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Toronto); Kingston Health Sciences Centre (Kingston).
Kingston Health Sciences Centre operates the Ventilator Equipment Pool on behalf of the Assistive Devices Program. Once the VEP has been informed that the ADP has approved the request for funding assistance, the VEP will provide you the equipment your doctor has prescribed. The VEP is a recycling program and loans the ventilators and related equipment to eligible clients for as long as required. The equipment provided may not necessarily be new.
No, there is no cost for the loan of equipment to eligible clients. Clients who cease to meet the eligibility criteria (example: client who is admitted from the community to a long-term care facility) or no longer require the ventilator/equipment must return it to the VEP.
Clients are expected to: participate in the troubleshooting of equipment-related calls to the VEP adhere to the equipment maintenance schedules including equipment disinfection. Comply with safety precautions for use of the equipment as indicated in the equipment manuals including compliance with required filter changes and routine maintenance, (ie: wiping or cleaning equipment while it is in your custody and prior to returning it to the VEP) Comply with the prescribed therapy Purchase some respiratory products or accessories such as masks, etc.. Return the equipment if no longer required or if the client no longer meets the eligibility criteria (VEP will work with the client and the family to help secure alternate equipment, if required, prior to returning the VEP equipment) Notify the VEP, within 10 days, of any changes to your address, telephone number or any other pertinent/relevant information.
If the admission is due to an acute episode requiring a hospital stay of two weeks or less, the equipment need not be returned to the VEP. Hospital stays of greater than two weeks or, where a discharge date is not imminent, must be reported to the VEP. In this case, the VEP may request the return of equipment.
If you are eligible to receive equipment from the VEP, your physician will complete the required documentation and submit it to the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Assistive Devices Program.
The VEP provides two ventilators / bi-level positive airway pressure devices for eligible individuals (for example, individuals who require ventilation 24 hours per day so you will always have a back-up device). Individuals who require ventilation less than 24 hours per day may also be eligible for a primary as well as a back-up device based on your diagnosis, vulnerability, and limited ventilator-free time. Along with your doctor and health care professional, develop a personalized action plan to help address an equipment breakdown or a power failure. You may contact the VEP 24 hours/day, 7 days/week for equipment related assistance. The VEP staff will assist you in troubleshooting the equipment and if necessary, make arrangements for equipment replacement.
The VEP routinely ships urgent equipment replacements by overnight express delivery. If the equipment is required sooner, the VEP will make all reasonable attempts to replace your ventilator / equipment as soon as possible however VEP can not guarantee same day replacement. Along with your doctor and health care professional, develop a personalized action plan to help address an equipment breakdown or a power failure.
Yes. The VEP will continue to provide repair / maintenance services for the VEP equipment when you are travelling within the province of Ontario. If you are travelling outside the province and have Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) coverage, the VEP will cover the costs of equipment repairs. If you are leaving for an extended period (greater than 183 days), you must contact your nearest Ministry of Health & Long Term Care office. Check the blue pages of your telephone directory under “Government of Ontario-Health Insurance”. If you are approved for extended OHIP coverage you will receive a new OHIP card with the termination date being the date of return to Ontario. When you receive your new OHIP card you must notify the VEP of your departure and return dates. A photocopy of your new OHIP card may be requested. On return to Ontario, you must again contact a Ministry of Health & Long Term Care office in order to ensure continued coverage. You will be issued another OHIP card. Should your OHIP coverage lapse, the VEP is not responsible for the costs of repairs during the lapsed period. Any repairs must be performed by an authorized service centre and if approved, will be reimbursed at a predetermined fee schedule. To help locate an authorized service centre at your point of destination, please contact the VEP. If you are calling from out of the province of Ontario, please call 613-548-6156. Prior to travel it is recommended you confirm with the manufacturer of the device as well as the airline company that the device complies with regulations for use on an aircraft. It is also recommended you travel with a copy of your ventilator prescription. Always ensure to take the ventilator and supplies with you as carry on baggage so that you have your equipment with you when you arrive at your point of destination.
The original invoice and a detailed work order must be submitted to the VEP for review. If approved, the VEP will reimburse the cost of repairs at a predetermined fee schedule.